Lighting Reality PRO Training Courses

To enable our customers to get the most out of Lighting Reality PRO, we offer a range of Training Courses. All Training Sessions are online for your convenience and are run by our in-house expert team.

Our Best-Practice course is an introductory session to the Lighting Reality PRO applications ROADWAY and OUTDOOR, designed specifically for those who have limited or no experience of using the software.

Our Advanced course, also covering Roadway and Outdoor modules, is for users with extensive experience of the software.

Best Practice £505 + VAT per delegate
Advanced £605 + VAT per delegate

Cancellation Policy: Please note that any cancellation within 48 hours of the beginning of a training course will be subject to a 50% retention of fee paid. 

The courses are held over Microsoft Teams, on a one-to-one basis. The courses will be run over 2 to 3 days, with 2-3 hours online training per day, together with practice for the delegate with Lighting Reality PRO, so will require 3-4 hours per day for the delegate.

The minimum requirement will be access to Microsoft Teams (locally installed or through a web browser), with a microphone and video camera and connection to the Internet. If the delegate does not have access to a copy of Lighting Reality PRO then either:

  • access to a Windows 365 PC will be supplied, which will run through a Web Browser for the duration of the course (no software to install),
  • or a full version of Lighting Reality PRO with a 30 day subscription licence will be supplied for the delegate to install on their own PC,  to use for practice during and after the course.

Training Enquiry

Lighting Reality PRO Evaluation request


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